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Sights & Sounds in and around Opuwo
Opuwo is one of the most interesting and diverse towns in the world.
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Epupa is in the Kunene river which forms the border between Namibia and Angola
This village is about 100km south-west of Opuwo.
Some years ago
After good rains
Held in Opuwo at old stadium
Opuwo is known for its dust
There is rejoicing when the rain finally comes.
33rd Namibia Independence Celebrations at Opuwo Christian School- wearing traditional dresses.
The Himba people are nomadic as they have to search for grazing and water for their cattle and goats.
Drive south towards Sesfontein or south-west towards Purros and you will meet these elephants, especially in the dry river beds.
Not for "sissies" ...