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Social Involvement
A percentage of our income is used to feed 100+ Orphans and Vulnerable Children at our Dream Center on the south side of our property which also houses a school and Church building. Thank you for helping us to help the community!
Opuwo DreamCentre
A percentage of our income is used to feed about 50 - 100 Orphans and Vulnerable Children at our Dream Center on the south side of our property.
The kids get a nutritious hot lunch each day plus some teaching about values and morals to help them to become responsible citizens of Namibia and of God's Kingdom.
Kaoko Village community teams
ABBA supports teams of young men who do regular trips to Himba and Herero villages where they teach the adults and children about life - spiritual and physical.
We assist villagers to open and operate Kindergartens by sending teachers to training and supplying them with materials like crayons, paint, etc. When the local people put up a class structure we also help with the roofing material.
The teams visit schools in the area where they do "Choose to Wait" (an AIDS prevention program) and many other programs (Book of Hope, Living Ball soccer games, etc).
We assist with drilling boreholes and starting churches.

Opuwo Christian School
Opuwo Christian School is situated just south of ABBA Guesthouse and currently caters for 170 grade 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 students. The 22 staff members strive to provide quality education with a Biblical Worldview to our students.
ABBA pays the salaries of all the qualified teachers and also sponsors some of the materials as many of the parents in Opuwo cannot afford to pay the real cost of sending their kids to a quality English medium private school.
So, each time you sleep in ABBA you are contributing to the education of more than 170 local kids.
Visit OCS's website
“So you should not be like cowering, fearful slaves. You should behave instead like God's very own children, adopted into his family through Jesus — calling him ABBA Father.” Romans 8:15
A wonderful promise for born-again believers: “Don’t worry about anything (food, water, clothes, house, etc) because your Father (ABBA) in heaven is your SOURCE. Accept His gift of righteousness, seek to live in and extend His Kingdom and ALL the things you need will be added to you for free.” Jesus, in Matthew chapter 6